About The Journal

Journal Cover of Singapore Journal of Library and Information Management


The Singapore Journal of Library and Information Management (SJLIM) is an open access annual publication featuring articles on information management, libraries, librarianship, information science and technology.

The journal is a source of important information on library and information services developments in Singapore and Southeast Asia.

We accept a variety of research or practice-based article types including but not limited to theoretical articles, applied research articles, case studies, descriptive articles, and substantive professional opinion pieces.


SJLIM is published by the Library Association of Singapore (LAS).

ISSN: 2382-5634 (e-edition from Vol. 38 onwards)
ISSN: 2382-5626 SJLIM (physical editions Vol. 28 to Vol 37)
ISSN: 0085-6118 – refers to Singapore Libraries (predecessor to SJLIM)


SJLIM is a peer-reviewed journal, indexed in the “Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts” database on Ebscohost. Coverage is from 2005 onwards.


Contributions that meet the Editor’s requirements undergo a double-blind peer review process to determine suitability for publication.


The copyright of a work published in SJLIM is held by the author. Authors may post the work on personal or institutional Web sites and in other open-access digital repositories. The authors must warrant that their article is original and the original work of the authors. The authors must also obtain relevant permissions from any third-party copyright holders and intellectual property owners.

The Library Association of Singapore (LAS) reserves the right to permanently maintain open access to all published articles, to maintain permanent archival copies of all submissions, to provide print or electronic copies to appropriate services for indexing and to use all published materials in various formats for LAS’s exclusive non-commercial purposes.

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