Instructions For Authors

The Editor welcomes contributions on topics related to libraries, librarianship, information management, and information science and technology. Articles should be grounded in and/or relevant to Singapore or Southeast Asia in order to highlight, grow and support regional advances in the field.

A variety of research or practice-based article types are sought including but not limited to theoretical articles, applied research articles, case studies, descriptive articles, and substantive professional opinion pieces.

Contributions should be full-length articles between 1,500 and 3,000 words.

All contributions should be submitted on an exclusive basis to the Editor.


Submit your manuscripts electronically to the Editor by email:

An informative abstract of about 100 words and a brief biographical note should be included in the manuscript. Include objectives, methods, and contributions, for example, significance, usefulness, implications, or contribution to theory.

The document should be in Microsoft Word format. Illustrations should be submitted as separate files and also inserted in the manuscript with captions. Illustrations include tables, charts, graphs, screen captures and photographs. Acknowledgement of permission to reprint if applicable should be included.

File formats should be JPEG, GIF or BMP. Tables and charts (including legend, notes and source) should be no larger than 14 cm x 10 cm.


Use the active rather than the passive voice. Use the past tense or past perfect tense in their paper, except when referring to facts or regularly occurring events.

Follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (latest edition) recommendations for in-text citations and references. References must be accurate and complete.

Use British, rather than American, spelling. Acronyms must be spelled out in full on first occurrence.

5 thoughts on “Instructions For Authors”

    1. Hi Dipali,

      There is no publication fee. Do note that we are only looking for articles from Singapore and Southeast Asia.

    1. Hi Chloe,
      No, we are still open for the 2017 volume. Send your abstract or proposal via the email listed on this page to express your interest and set the process in motion.

  1. Also can I submit an article related to library leadership. The study is based on Delhi -capital region of India. What is the last date to submit

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