Framing Digital Literacy: The ACRL Framework
By: Bethany Wilkes, pp. 1-9
The Association of College and Research Library’s (ACRL) Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education is a key document for developing and guiding information literacy programmes. In this opinion piece the author posits that the Framework is inclusive of themes and elements that support digital literacy as well, whether it is viewed as a unique literacy or as part of the broader literacy of information literacy. The paper explores the background of the Framework, definitions of digital literacy, and the ways in which the Framework connects to digital literacy. The author argues that the Framework is a relevant guide for digital literacy initiatives.
The Embedded Librarian at the National University of Singapore: a Case Study of the Ridge View Residential College
By: Wong Kah Wei & Sim Chuin Peng, pp. 10-21
The term “embedded librarian” is a redefinition of the professional identity of the librarian. Working beyond the confines of a library, the embedded librarian seeks to understand and respond authentically to students’ information needs within their natural environment. NUS Libraries has been facing increasing requests for information literacy programmes that are one-shot instructional sessions. Grappling with these, librarians sought to embed information literacy into the curriculum. This article tells the story of how conversations on student learning between an academic and a librarian led to embedding a librarian in Ridge View Residential College, National University of Singapore (NUS).
Understanding the Information-Seeking Behaviour of Special Education Teachers in Singapore
By: Syamsul Ramadhan Bin Awang, pp. 22-50
This study presents an investigation into the information-seeking behaviour of Special Education (SPED) teachers in Singapore. Its objectives involve identifying the information needs of SPED teachers, the types of information sources preferred, the barriers encountered in information-seeking, as well as the level of needs satisfaction with their endeavours. A total of 110 SPED teachers participated in the study through an online survey questionnaire. The findings indicate that the main information needs of SPED teachers pertain to tasks involving the direct practice of classroom teaching such as lesson planning and classroom management. Accessibility and ease of use are important considerations in the selection of their information sources, which are most frequently derived from colleagues, syllabus documents and website articles. While the use of digital resources is common, print remains the format of choice for information sources. The main barrier to information-seeking encountered by SPED teachers is the lack of time during working hours, which negatively correlates to the perception of success in meeting their information needs. In general, however, SPED teachers appear to be well-satisfied with the selection of information sources in meeting their needs. The understanding gained from this study will help provide a useful foundation for further explorations on the information behaviour of SPED teachers.
Building an Information Literate Community the “E” Way
By: Lim Xiu Ru & Edmund Lee, pp. 51-60
This case study describes an online information literacy package developed by a polytechnic library in Singapore. The article describes the context, conceptualization, design considerations, and evaluation of the package, which was integrated into two of three General Education modules at Singapore Polytechnic (SP). Designed as a holistic package for self-directed learning both within and outside of the curriculum, these learning materials are accessible to all students via the institutional e-learning platform.
“Sensory” in Library Spaces at SMU Libraries
By: Nursyeha Yahaya, Devika Sangaram, Salihin M.A. & Aaron Tay, pp. 61-73
The Li Ka Shing Library recently included a new section, “Heat Maps” on the library website, providing users instant access to the physical occupancy spaces across all the different levels in the library. The indoor location-aware system is one in the latest slew of additions in tracking the library patrons’ visitations. It is the first of the many forms of library usage data sources that seek to provide an impetus in engaging the SMU community through real-time data visualizations. This enhances the perception of SMU Libraries as a creative nexus that nurtures and champions innovative methods of information access through technology innovations. This paper details the various forms of library usage data sources and how they impact the student patrons’ experience. It also outlines a case study on how data harnessed solutions can further foster a safe space that enriches and embodies the SMU Libraries experience.
Partnering with Faculty for the Creation of Engineering Digital Projects: Process, Challenges and Opportunities
By: Lena Sam and Lim Kong Meng, pp. 74-82
Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Libraries launched ‘NTU Digital Projects’ as a new service to showcase the innovative, digital research output of NTU faculty and researchers and facilitate the discovery and use of this valuable content by a global audience. Research output may include textual content, multimedia, images, creative works, new media and other non-traditional forms. Viewed as a kind of scholarly communication output, digital project content may differ in varied and diverse ways from more established types such as academic papers archived in institutional repositories, or datasets deposited in data repositories, which have clearer characterizations and descriptions in comparison. The focus of this paper is on sharing lessons learned from not-so-successful content recruitment efforts and describing sourcing strategies that worked better when finding engineering partners. We also discuss project team roles, concerns and key issues when collaborating with NTU faculty on the development of the Unsaturated Soil Mechanics for Sustainable Urban Living digital project.