Designing a collaborative learning space using pedagogical principles: The National Institute of Education’s LearningHub@LIBRIS revisited

By Isabel Yeo-Tang I-Sha, Douglas Lau Chin Tiong, and Hilary Ho Oon Seng, pp. 35-47


When libraries redesign their spaces, it is now fashionable to incorporate information commons, cafés and multimedia laboratories into their plans. As the library of the only teacher training institution in Singapore, NIE Library and Information Services Centre (LIBRIS) naturally drew its inspiration from pedagogical principles when it redesigned part of its new library at the Yunnan Gardens campus.

This paper examines the rationale behind the design of the LearningHub as a collaborative learning space and evaluates the impact of the LearningHub since its opening five years ago. It discusses the following areas: pedagogical principles that inform the design, impact of the LearningHub on stakeholders and future plans for the expansion and upgrading of the LearningHub.

This article was presented as a paper at the LAS Conference in May 2008.