Transforming Information Literacy Programmes – A Design Thinking Approach

By Kheak Hui Hiang and Agnes Liew


In today’s information ecosystem, the abundance of information choices and the prevalence of fake news and online falsehoods make information literacy a critical survival skill. Recognising the need to develop info-savvy students to prepare them for the 21st century workplace, a polytechnic library in Singapore seeks to redesign its information literacy programme by employing innovative solutions in an increasingly complex learning landscape. This paper describes the Information Literacy Programme of Nanyang Polytechnic Library. Applying the design thinking concept, the library planned, developed, implemented and reviewed user-centric solutions to integrate the information literacy e-learning modules into the schools’ curriculum. From face-to-face training to e-learning to blended approach with experiential learning through gamified activities, the library collaborated with academic schools within the Polytechnic to optimise learning outcomes. Through the enhanced use of ICT and the application of integrated pedagogies, more learners benefitted from the information literacy programme, both in terms of reach and impact.