December 2013 Update

Hi all,

It’s December, and seasons’ greetings for our members who celebrates the occassion.  The other main reminder (which most of you would be getting in your emails) will be the renewal of your membership subscription with LAS.  Yes, your membership is calculated on a calendar year basis – Jan to Dec.  So your membership for next year is due – please expect an email from our Membership Chair.

Looking ahead, next year could get interesting as LAS is planning for a “Love your Librarian Day” – let’s wait for more details from our Programmes Chair on this.

We are planning to publish the next issue of SJLIM but we are rather short of articles – can members whom have written some stuff for the IFLA event, please contribute your articles?  We would love to publish them in the next issue of SJLIM.

Thanks very much, and have a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
