In Light of Covid-19: NTU Library’s E-Offerings

In view of the COVID-19 situation in Singapore, a Nanyang Technological University (NTU) campus-wide closure was initiated on 6 April 2020. The closure included the 7 libraries but NTU Library continued to provide dedicated library services to all our users remotely through new and existing digital platforms.

A communication campaign was launched to assure users that they can remain connected to NTU Library’s services and to ease anxieties over borrowed items.

  1. Loans – All loans will be extended and renewed automatically until further notice. Books returned to the Book Bins will not be processed and fines (if any) will be waived during this period. A dedicated FAQ page was set up to address borrowing privileges queries of users during this Circuit Breaker period.
  2. E-Books – Users were guided through the Ask a Librarian function on the NTU Library website to locate electronic copies of physical books they require for their academic and research needs. Alternative e-book titles were recommended by our librarians if the requested copies are not available.
  3. Digital Repository – Users were recommended to use the 2 digital repository platforms of NTU Library, DR-NTU and DR-NTU (Data), to deposit, archive and share their final research outputs and data in order to increase the visibility of their research.
  4. Workshops & Consultations – All workshops conducted by NTU librarians proceeded as planned using online platforms such as email, MS Teams and Zoom. The online sessions were well-received by users and they can also continue to request for one-to-one online consultations with our librarians.
  1. E-Resources – To support online learning during the COVID-19 outbreak, many resource vendors came on board to offer free and/or unlimited access to their paid resources on a temporary basis to NTU Library’s users. BrowZine was also recommended to users for convenient browsing, reading and following scholarly resources on their devices. You can find the full list of resources here as prepared by Frank Seah, Senior Librarian at NTU Library.

  1. Searching Library Resources – NTU library’s OneSearch is available as a vital search tool for the research, learning and teaching needs of the NTU community. It allows users to personalise their searches or request and track library resources on one integrated platform.

Whether in the library or working at home, our NTU librarians remain connected to the users through phone lines, email, WhatsApp, NTU LibFAQ and NTU LibGuides.

(Last update: 11 May 2020)

Contributed by NTU Library.
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