Visit to Singapore Polytechnic (SP) Library

40 participants visited the SP Library on Thu, 26 Sep 2013. Most participants arrived promptly at 2.30pm, thanks to the Dover MRT station which is located right inside the campus. It was a lively gathering of librarians as it was the first activity organised by the LAS Programmes and Social Committee in the new Council Year 2013.

A presentation on SP Library was given by Fang Sin Guek, the Library Director. SP Librarians led the tour of the Main Library in 6 groups. Key stops included the newly completed Open- Office concept Staff Room; learning spaces such as the design thinking inspired Da Vinci level which features architecture and design resources; RoboPod, the space for students to assemble robots using LEGO Mindstorms; E-I Pod, designed for case-based inquiry learning; Go MobilExp stations which display the latest mobile gadgets; Colours Zone, a chill out space; the various exhibits showcasing student projects; the prototype cocoon and book tree structures for library@orchard, etc.

The 75 minutes tour ended at the Colour social space. Tea, coffee and snacks, courtesy of SP were served. Due to the Polytechnic vacation, the Colours space was not crowded and participants could mingle around freely while having their refreshment. At about 4.40pm, participants were up on their feet to get ready for a tour of the branch Hilltop Library which was located some distance away.

Some participants chose to take a brisk walk to the western end of the campus while 6 participants who drove kindly took some passengers in their cars. As soon as the first batch of participants arrived at the Hilltop Library, Jennifer Gan (Manager, Hilltop Library) began the briefing and tour. The rest of the participants who arrived on foot were briefed by Edmund Lee and the other Librarians, and the tour continued. Some participants were impressed by the quaint 2-storey prefabricated building, the lush greenery surrounding the library, its two in-door gardens, one of which has an on-going student project on rainwater recycling, and some were quite surprised that the small building which seats only 160 students could offer a rather wide range of services.

The visit ended at about 5.20pm. A few participants seemed exhausted but many were satisfied that it was a well-spent afternoon. A group photo was taken outside the Hilltop Library for keepsake. All photos taken during the visit are available at SP Facebook Page.

Some photos:
SPLVisit1 SPLVisit2

SPLVisit3 SPLVisit4

SPLVisit5 SPLVisit6

Submitted By: Fang Sin Guek (Programmes & Social Committee).  5 Oct 2013.