February 2012 Update

Dear all,

I hope you are having a wonderful Year of the Dragon.  I would like to take this opportunity to highlight the formation of the Singapore Libraries Bulletin team – which comprises Hilary Ho (from NIE-LIBRIS), Justin Tan (from NYP Library), Ruby Seng (from NUS Libraries) and myself Yit (from RP Library).  Our team will be on the look out for intresting happenings and news that could be of interest to LAS – you can contribute too by contacting any one of us by providing leads and pointers to such happenings (or better yet volunteering to join us! – Please contact me @ publications@las.org.sg )

The next big thing we are looking forward to is of course our meet up with PPM in March – please keep an eye out for the details that would be released soon, LAS is looking to form up at least a bus load of us to go and meet our friends across the causeway.  I think Janice (our Chair for Training) and her team managed to cut a great deal for members for this meet-up – so Great Job the project team working on this!

There have been some major changes at the National Library Board at the senior management level (for those of you interested you may want to see the new organizational chart put up by NLB on 16 Jan 2012) at this link:  NLB org chart

 Congratulations are in order for Ms. Tay Ai Cheng being appointed as ACE and Chief Librarian (Public Library) and Ms. Judy Ng being appointed as Director of Library & Professional Services).

 For those of you whom will be attending the series of talks held at NTU libraries, if you could be kind enough to provide some snippets and gems that you have learnt to share with the rest of LAS members that would be greatly appreciated as well! In the meantime, a very happy lunar new year to all and let’s all “Huat!” together.
