Hi all,
Guess most of us survived April’s Fool day unscathed, so now we can look ahead for stuff coming at us. Before that though, a quick recap of what transpired at the joint LAS-PPM conference last month (Hilary did a great job summarizing his experiences) – here’s a short synopsis of important things to look out for – Gene (our president) had mentioned about a Librarians’ Forum to be created – this is works in the pipeline and we will expect more information soon but he has invited our friends across the causeway to join into the forum when it is ready. Also we can look out for our LAS Conference this year to be focussed on Librarians instead of Libraries – we will watch out for details from the organizing committee. There was also mentioned of a planned Emerging Librarian programme at the conference. I have captured some videos but will need to work out how to put them up in our SLB as there is a 1Mb limit for uploading of media to our blog.
In April itself, the LAS council has planned a meet-the-Librarians-whom-have-yet-to-join-LAS and we will try to find out more about the challenges we have to address to improve our membership. I will try to provide an update after this session.
Up-coming in May is of course our AGM – a great time to catchup and stay in touch with our fellow librarians – please watch out for details from our Secretary.
There is also the Asian Festival of Children’s Content 2012 coming up towards the end of May organized by NBDCS for more details, please visit the official website: http://www.afcc.com.sg/