Call for papers – 2019 WLIC in Athens

IFLA Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning (CPDWL) invites papers for the Theme:  Navigating Your Own Professional Development:  Effective Use of the 2016 IFLA Guidelines for Continuing Professional Development

The Call for papers is available in the following link URL:

Proposals for short, insightful presentations (10 minutes) are invited from library and information professionals across the world whose professional development has been guided by or aligns with the 2016 IFLA Guidelines for Continuing Professional Development: Principles and Best Practices.  Preference will be given to individuals whose submissions document how their personal learning has advanced their careers, improved the quality of service delivered to their users and contributed to the achievement of IFLA’s vision. 

Please email your proposals by March 15, 2019 to and

Proposals should include:

  1. Title of proposed presentation
  2. An abstract (500 words maximum)
  3. Name(s) of presenter(s)
  4. Position(s) of presenter(s)
  5. Employer or affiliated institution of presenter(s)
  6. Email address
  7. Telephone numbers
  8. Short biographical statement(s) regarding the presenter(s)

Important Dates

15 March 2019:  deadline submission of abstract

30 March 2019:  successful candidates will be notified

15 June 2019:  Deadline submission of full text