Remaining Relevant: articulating the value of our library services

Remaining Relevant: articulating the value of our library services

Date: Friday, 30 November 2018

Time: 10 am –12:30 pm

Format: Webinar (more information after registration)


In the age of information abundance, we need librarians more than ever.

However, misconceptions about our work abound and the value we offer our communities is not immediately obvious. We often hear at conferences about staying relevant in this industry.

The Training & Development committee is organizing an online session for the first time to highlight opportunities and recognize the efforts made by libraries & librarians in staying relevant to our stakeholders.

Remaining relevant involves understanding what the interests of our community are, and finding common ground between what we can offer and the goals of our community.

This webinar will benefit library professionals who are looking for ideas, inspiration, and concrete steps they can take to remain relevant as information professionals at their workplace.

Join us online for this inaugural webinar to hear more about how we can remain relevant. Reserve your seat today to attend live or to receive the recording links afterwards.

Registration is now open! Questions? Email us at

Call For Presenters

If you are working in a library initiating efforts towards the role of staying relevant, or can share how your work is making you remain relevant to your organization and stakeholders, we invite you to become a speaker.

Share your trends, new technologies, and applications to others in the industry.

Topics may include but are not limited to:

  • Professional Development (career growth, continuing learning)

  • Trends and Challenges in Librarianship

  • New work areas for librarians

  • Alternative career paths for librarians and information professionals

  • Library Assessment

Submitting Your Proposal

The submissions deadline is 30 October 2018.

Submissions should include a title, presentation summary (maximum of 300 words) identifying the purpose, content, and learning objectives/expected outcomes for participants, and in our program.

Please also note the type of library discussed in your proposal – public, university, school, corporate library, or other. This helps the planning committee to create a schedule reflective of the many types of libraries in which we work.

All speakers need to provide your name, institutional affiliation, email address, a short biography (not more than 100 words), and a photo.

Click here to submit your proposal

The selection results will be announced by 5 November 2018.

Feel free to contact Training & Development team at with any questions.